Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Getting My Ducks in a Row

So spring is here and the weather is getting nicer. That means two things this year. One, I'm swamped with the musical, even though we are already up and running. The idea of being inside on some of the greatest weather days of the year can be depressing. Two, the kids at school are getting antsy. I can't blame them either; I'm just as eager to get outside.

A few weeks ago Sarah bought a birdfeeder and birdseed. Since then we've watched squirrels do acrobatics to snatch some food, and I've seen some amazing looking birds. Some of the birds are rather domesticated. We've been eating outside and have had birds walking within several feet of us.

But tonight beat all. We witnessed DUCKS under the feeder eating off the ground. Well really it was the female duck eating while the male kept watch. But how cool is it to see ducks waddling around the yard so up close? Check out the pictures!

1 comment:

Sarah V said...

I still wish I were there to hear you bark at them!