Friday, November 21, 2008

The Talkie Dinner

The Talkie Dinner gifts: a daybook from Carla and a calculator and pen from Chet.

Some of you reading this know what the Talkie Dinner, while others of you have only heard me talk about it. This meal, a tradition that has been going on for years on the Friday evening of the NCTE conference, is an annual gathering of those on the Engteach-talk listserv. We are educators of all levels, mostly with a focus on English. But for one night, instead of talking online, we meet face to face to talk about life and education.

Those in attendance include the following
  • Ogre Art
  • Ray Palasz
  • Carla Beard (of fame)
  • Fran Claggett (author of numerous daybooks as well as other books)
  • Sara Pace
  • Mary Silva
  • Linda Sparkuhl (who held a wonderful technology workshop with NWP today!)
  • Chet Pryor (our organizer)
  • Mary Ann Yedinak
  • Jami Carlacio
  • Shelley Rodrigo
  • Devon (left no last name)
  • Ian (left no last name)
Since many of our regulars were unable to attend, Chet invited people from other listservs, and it made the evening even more special. Being able to meet up with people from all parts of the country, from all walks of life, and yet with a common cause only solidifies our purpose in the world!

The menu was spectacular, consisting of cheese, crackers, fruit, and some of the spiciest salsa we had ever tasted! Our meal options ranged from Veggie Napolitano to Blue Corn Enchiladas to Chicken Frances, and our dessert options were pecan creme brule or chocolate confusion.

Though this year's gathering was smaller, the energy was no less so. We raised our glasses to those who were unable to join us, another tradition of the evening. May these pictures (and others that are posted on other blogs or sites) serve as a way for those who were absent to vicariously enjoy the evening.

For a mere $8, the mariachi band came to serenade us! Ay, ay, ay, ay, it's the Frito Bandito! (That's for you, Ogre!)

A mouth-watering enchilada platter.

MMMMMMMMM Enchilada!

Carla toasts those in attendance as well as those who were unable to be there.

Chet and Mary Ann talk. Mary Ann had some interesting stories about malapropisms!

Mary Ann and Jami Carlacio look at some pictures on Jami's phone.

Carla talks with a fellow diner while Art looks on at his gifts.

Chet and Mary talk while Linda fills in the seating chart. Because of the new people to this year's dinner, I needed to know who was who in the pictures!

From left to right, going clockwise: Mary Silva, Linda Sparkuhl, Chet Pryor, Mary Ann Yedinak, Jami Carlacio, Shelley Rodrigo, Devon, Ian, Ogre Art, Ray Palasz, Carla Beard, Fran Clagget, Sara Pace.

See you in Philadelphia!


Carla said...

Great job, Ray! Thanks for sharing the evening with everyone!

theteach said...

Thanks Ray, for the narrative and the photos. Perhaps the day will come when we can find a place where we can connect virtually with our webcams or other video tools.

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing these ray. i would have loved to be there with y'all. hopefully next year...